So for the last 5 days I have had Bronchitis. I don't think I have had it this bad since high school. I remember getting bronchitis about twice a year. It sucked and guess what? It still sucks only as an adult it only makes things worse. I have the good fortune of having a nice husband and good friends that take care of me, not only did I not go to any of my meetings this week but David has been taking care of little William all week too! I hope I convey how much I appreciate all that he does for me.
While I was in bed coughing my guts out I had a lot of time to think. I had an epiphany of sorts, that I can do alot better than I have been. You now when you go through life you get into a routine and than before you know it you are in a hum drum slump. Where did the excitement go? Memories of bronchitis in high school brought back alot of high school memories. I remember having alot of goals for my life and the excitement of having a plan. I remember in seminary my teacher saying to us, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Now I really don't think that I am failing in my life. Far from it, but I think I have lost the excitement of fulfulling goals. So I thought I needed to plan a little better and have a goal. Of course now that I am writing this down all you people reading this will know about my goal (which is supposed to be a good thing right?) so for my first goal I want to achieve is to get my Young Women Medallion. Yes I already got it when I was in Young Womens but since I have been a leader and since they changed the program they have encouraged the leaders to get it a second time. So here I go again! Plus I can kill two birds with one stone. In accomplishing this one goal I know the program requires me to set more goals. So hopefully I will become a more rounded adult!
While I was in bed coughing my guts out I had a lot of time to think. I had an epiphany of sorts, that I can do alot better than I have been. You now when you go through life you get into a routine and than before you know it you are in a hum drum slump. Where did the excitement go? Memories of bronchitis in high school brought back alot of high school memories. I remember having alot of goals for my life and the excitement of having a plan. I remember in seminary my teacher saying to us, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Now I really don't think that I am failing in my life. Far from it, but I think I have lost the excitement of fulfulling goals. So I thought I needed to plan a little better and have a goal. Of course now that I am writing this down all you people reading this will know about my goal (which is supposed to be a good thing right?) so for my first goal I want to achieve is to get my Young Women Medallion. Yes I already got it when I was in Young Womens but since I have been a leader and since they changed the program they have encouraged the leaders to get it a second time. So here I go again! Plus I can kill two birds with one stone. In accomplishing this one goal I know the program requires me to set more goals. So hopefully I will become a more rounded adult!