Saturday, April 18, 2009

Fiddler on the Roof!

I love this movie! It definatly is my favorite movie of all time!! So this morning I was typing away on the computer and William brings me this movie and says I want to watch it. Really? I say. He says Yes, mommy, I love it! I love that movie!( I really don't think he has seen it before) Ha Ha he makes me laugh. So I put it in and he starts to watch it. I couldn't resist I sit to watch it too. I forgot I funny this movie really is. I think My favorite line in the movie is when Golda says to Tevye to hurry up with his deliveries or he will be late for the sabbath. She keeps hounding him (like a good wife should ha ha) and he says:

I won't be late, I won't be late! If you ever stop talking I won't be late!

Then she says:

You can die from such a man!
Ha Ha ha! I about fall over laughing so hard. (maybe you need to be married to fully appreciate that line)(Or maybe it is just the mood I am in) Either way David looks at me life I have lost my mind, and he says: You are psycho! I married a psycho! Sometimes you scare me.
That only makes me laugh more. (It is always best to keep your husband a little scared of you I think, Ha Ha just kidding) Anyways I love this movie! Thank you Katie for getting it for me for Christmas!!

Old and Young at the same time!

Okay so I feel dazed. How could this have happened without me knowing about it? What happened? I don't know. All of a sudden I wake up and I'm not 18 anymore! You say come one Heather you haven't been 18 in 12 years! I know but all of sudden I'm the adult, the mommy, the one in charge, the evil grown up! Hey! I feel like I'm still 18, I know everyone says this but I didn't realize how true it would feel untill now. When did this happen? I know gradually over time my responsibilities have grown. It sort of crept up on me. So what brought this on you ask? Oh a bit of everything. My three year old is talking to me about what he wants to do when he grows up. ( A daddy) (like his daddy) a really good daddy like his daddy is.) He said this not me! So not much to freak out about right? Well William and I went to see Jack and Savannah (the kids I used to be a nanny for). They look so grown up! Definately not the toddlers I watched play with my baby! After that we went to see my father-in-law. He was just released from the hospital after having an operation to remove pre-cancerous polyps on his colon. Hey! I thought that only happens to old people. (Okay so Lewis is old but I remember visiting my grandma when she had cancer and my parents weren't that much older than I am now.) When did that happen? So the icing on the cake is this. David and I stayed up untill 12:30 am watching Jack Bauer!! It was fun but waking up this morning was not like anything I have felt before. Like I was hit with a two by four and than I looked in the mirror! (BAD MISTAKE) Who is this person looking at me? She has wrinkles by her eyes. Bags under her eyes. joints hurt, about 15 pounds overweight, about 5 gray hairs, and worse yet! I move slow!!! Like an old person!!! HEY!
So I just read a quote a couple of days ago by Neil A Maxwell. Paraphrasing it, he said the purpose of life is to break you. To become teachable, and humble, so that the Lord can prepare you for a Celestial life and Godhood! ( Okay so that is far too deep for my meager mind) Okay so I see the wisdom in that. However I don't think I like it. I loved being 18, but now that I have written my little rant I am realizing I don't think I would ever trade where I am right now. 18 was fun, exciting and full of anticipation, but was also challenging, difficult, nerve racking, intimidating, and I made ALOT of mistakes. So I think I 30 is definatly better than 18. I guess I still feel overwhelmed, and still make ALOT of mistakes but I am more sure of myself, I would hope I can say I am wiser than I was, I feel more at peace than I did when I was 18. I guess it is a trade off! I feel old but I also feel more fulfilled. ( I think it is only going to get worse) (or better if you really think about it) Okay so I feel better now! I love my life. I am grateful for my life. As long as I make good decisions so that the Lord can take care of me, I am sure I will get through this life better than expected.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Good Times

This past week I have been working at Replicolor. I used to work there full time before I had William.I had such a fun time. (Caitlin, thanks for being so easy to work with) I Love all things photographic, and printing has given me a whole new perspective! Needless to say I am grateful that my old bosses asked me to cover for them while they went on vacation. I must say that Scott and Charlene are the best bosses I have ever worked with. Now I am back at home and I feel like a drug junkie in need of a fix. (As if I really know what that feels like...ha ha.) I already miss working with pictures. I now have been researching which is the best digital SLR Camera out there, for under $600. I really want to learn more about photography. I have taken classes in school and working at Replicolor really has helped me understand some things but I feel like I have just scratched the surface. There is so much to learn! Anyways these past couple of weeks have been awesome!