Saturday, May 2, 2009

Nikon d60!

So my sweet husband sacrificed one of his guns and gave me the money so that I could buy a camera! Now that is true love! I researched and researched and decided that for right now I wanted a Nikon D60. So true to my form I scoured the internet to find a good deal. At first I was getting really frustrated because most were at least $450! That was way out of our price range. I was getting bummed! Than my dear brillant husband said why don't you get just the Nikon d60 body! We don't need the lens because our old camera was a Nikon and we could still use that lens on new cameras! Genius! My husband saves the day again! So I once again scour the internet to find a good deal and finally bidded on ebay for one. (That story in itself should be a post....ha ha!)
We finally got it Thursday evening and I have been playing with it ever since! Maybe I will post some of my finer artistic captures! I am having way too much fun!(It is all because of my husband)


  1. Yay for you!! Come take some pictures of my kids for practice. Don't you just love husbands and all their great ideas!!

  2. Heather,

    That is so great! I am glad that you get to do something you enjoy. I am glad youn found a great deal!!! Way to go!!!

  3. Ah, I'm so jealous! I want a nicer camera so much. But I can't justify it right now. Especially since I don't have kids yet. I can't wait to see all the great pics!

  4. That is so nice that Dave did that! :) I can't wait to see your pictures!
